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Report abuse on a Costa Coffee Store locations and Hours Post

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Original Post

Big fan of costa coffee visited lots of different stores & by far this has been the worst store by far, Although the store itself is a beautiful & clean store the service from staff let's it down by so much I will never be visiting here again, Orderd drinks which I had to wait for ages for even tho the store was empty then when we got was not the standard they should be, my costa light looked like a cup of milk no froth etc same with the latte poor drinks, Orderd food & the manager? Red shirt lady! shouted me to go collect it from the counter felt like I was In a greasy spoon cafe, wouldn't have minded so much if they were busy but me & a friend was only ones in there, bad service & a expensive one at that, normaly I believe the saying you get what you pay for but here you pay the price but don't get what you should,

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