Report Abuse

Report abuse on a TitleMax Store locations and Hours Post

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This place is awful. It's a trailer off 290 and only half the trailer is used for taking out loans and paying on loans. It's a really small area, there's never a place to sit and rarely even a place to stand. I just want to pay on the loan but I have to wait, wait, and wait more. There's always a bunch of managers in the back doing NOTHING. They rarely show their face or do anything of help. They lie and try to get more interest out of their customers. It's terrible the business conduct. Just FYI I always have paid loan on time I'm nit trying to get out of paying they just need an easier way to pay. With the interest and fees they charge it should be more than affordable! Being the person paying for it I would appreciate an intelligent person helping me. Is that so much to ask.for?

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