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Report abuse on a JET'S Pizza Store locations and Hours Post

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We were told after ordering a pizza it would be 30-45 mins for delivery we didn't think it would be that long since we live off of 81 about ten mins away if that it took them an hour and 15 mins to have it delivered and you can imagine how the pizza tasted by then!!! When I looked online for their number an add posted on craigslist popped up letting me know they were hiring and that the drivers only make 5.75 an hr plus the deliver charge plus tips I'm all for tipping but management your not being fair to your drivers when customers ask why an extra 2 something was added to their bill people arent going to tip so your punishing your drivers by being smart knowing people won't tip on top of that extra charge making it minimum wage for them!!! Shame in you by far worst pizza ever we do not plan on ordering again

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