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Report abuse on a BB&T Store locations and Hours Post

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I took a check in to cash it. The person in front of me was a bit unhappy about something, but I couldn't tell what and didn't really pay attention, it being not my business. Then when it was my turn the teller asked if I had a BB&T account. I said NO, she said it would be an $8 charge to cash the check or I could open an account. I pointed out that the check was written on BB&T and that I had come out of my way to cash it at the bank it was written from. She responded that it would be an $8 fee unless I opened an account there. I told her to give me back the check and left. Now I know what the guy in front of me was upset about, they were charging him $8 too. So since when does a bank not honor its own checks? Is this a new standard in the "banking" industry? Wow! Now I remember why I moved all my business to the Credit Union.

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