Report Abuse

Report abuse on a BB&T Store locations and Hours Post

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Original Post

I will be sending an additional letter detailing my poor experience with this branch. Foremost, I wish to express my disappointment in the vice president of this branch. Her lack of follow through and inability to help me will cause me to close my account on Monday. She twice did not follow through with me or make clear the changes being made to my accout. The second time I called her after visiting her in the office, she even gave me a specific time she would call and never did. This resulted in me making an additional trip to the branch and proved her lack of professionalim and business ethics. If this is the behavior I can expect from the Vice President, I do not wish to do business with BB&T in the future. I will be sending a formal and detailed complaint to your office as well as to the editors of the local newspapers and your corporate offices.

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