Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Walmart Store locations and Hours Post

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I was at this store earlier today to purchase another gallon of paint...the lady who waited on me for the first gallon a few weeks back told me to bring in the lid if I needed more paint...I did...after standing for over half an hour waiting for assistance AFTER asking the assistant manager if he could get someone to help me which he replied yes...then waiting over half an hour ....again asked the same assistant mgr for help...he was a smart alec and could care less whether he helped me or not...I had asked two other workers for help and they said they would have someone right with me...LIE...I have purchased paint at this store for over 5 years....lots of paint...while I have never received good service...this time was the pits....when someone finally came to help me today...she said...I need the exact color because something was done on the machine...she didnt even try...biting my tongue after telling her that this store sucked I had to run out of the store to keep from making a do you do can you treat people so shabbily...I and my entire LARGE family will now take our buisness elsewhere...and hope they close the doors on this crappy store...Sincerely....a lost and terribly disgruntled customer...and btw...I shall report this to higher can be sure of that...

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