Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Walmart Store locations and Hours Post

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I visited today, 1/2/13, this Walmart Store and also the Ladies Room near the Pet Supply. I am a disabled senior and wear on both hand/wrists medical support. When I went into the Handicapped Booth I took those supports off and then left the booth to wash my hands. Having a senior moment :-( I forgot these supports. I need them!!!! I called and requested customer service and was on the phone for 48 minutes!!!! Inbetween being hung up, tried again and never was able to talk to someone in Customer Service because they did NOT pick up the phone!! Finally after being hung up again I called and asked for a manager but he could not help either. I think that this is absolutely unprofessional and 'uncaring'. If one's phone rings for 20 minutes I would think that someone would get the idea that it might be an urgent matter!? VERY DISAPPOINTED CUSTOMER

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