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Report abuse on a Walmart Store locations and Hours Post

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Most of their store employees are helpful. The customer service area employees always seem unhappy and miserable as if they hate the world. The female from last night was the icing on the cake. Her attitude and demeanor was totally inappropriate. My husband told her she needed to smile. She never responded. He said something again and she said I don't need to do anything. At one point she was raising her voice. I mean really this is your idea of customer service? She obviously needs to be reassigend to another area since she knows nothing about customer service let alone superior service like they promise. Never have these issues at Rosedale or Dundalk location. I will drive the extra distance to make sure that my family never gets disrespected by one of their employees again. We left and went to Target to make our purchases. Wonderful customer service from their cashier. C'mon Nottingham you need to do better!

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