Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Pizza Pizza Store locations and Hours Post

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Horrible customer service establishment!!!! I'm not from Kingston and parked there temporarily for only 45 min and as I walked away from my vehicle the pizza delivery boy mumbled something at me and I turned around and he mumbled something again under his breathe but didn't clarify anything...we thought what a creepy guy and was even going to walk into the store and complain to the owner at that point! Bc it was just weird.. then after like I said 45 min my 65,000 truck was gone!!!! The delivery boy had it towed 5 min after I parked there. So I'm furious and go inside and he has the nerve to say he told me he was towing it.... NO he didn't..... he mumbled on purpose so we couldn't understand or hear him.. I definitely wouldn't have left my truck there anyways if I heard him. Come to find out there's a small sign in the corner of the window..which I didn't see bc my truck iscleary huge . I wasn't gone a long time..I had no idea of the small sign.. I can see if it was parked all day.. but the tow company told me the time and it was 5 min as I walked away.. he purposely mumbled too which really annoys me.. he could've said it clearly and nicely.. come to also find out he's the owners nephew.. on a bad customer service power trip.. they need to install proper signage on post in cement blocks so people drive up to a actual sign. Bc along w all their other signage it's new viewable well enough. In Belleville this would've never happened way..there sb a timeline before calling the tow truck. Not 5 min.. needless to say I'll NEVER eat at pizza pizza again !!!!!!!!!@

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