Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Irving Oil Store locations and Hours Post

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I am a long time loyal customer of this convenience store on North Lowell Rd. About two weeks or so ago I went into the store and purchased a Metro e-cig package for $19.95. The package was sealed with plastic shrink wrap. I returned from a trip about 5 days later and opened up the package because I was going to give it to a friend to try out. When I opened the package it was totally empty! My friend and I looked at each other and couldn't believe it. I took it back to the store this past Saturday and the owner's wife refused to give me a refund or replace the product. She told me that I had to copme back and "speak to the person I bought it from". I told her that was not acceptable and I just wanted to have the product replaced or be given a refund. She refused and I walked out. Please be aware that these people do not stand by what they sell to the public and will rip you off just like they did to me.

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