Report Abuse

Report abuse on a The Learning Experience Store locations and Hours Post

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Understaffed and overwhelmed! They convinced me they had the staff and experience but they do not. They transfer kids from room to room, have 5 year olds with babies, and inexperienced teachers without support, help or aides which only leads to stressed out teachers and our children pay for it. I stood there watching the cameras with the Director as one of the teachers was extremely rough with a small child. My heart was pounding and even the director said out loud "Oh oh, easy".... How can a Director ignore this? And when I did mention it to her a few days later and about how my son did not like this teacher because she was mean and used ugly words, she "acted surprised”, and completely ignored the issue of the teacher being so rough with a small child. I was not the only one who saw this, another adult, picking up did too and it was also ignored by the owner sitting right there, he just looked away. Not a great start to a new business! They took our money and never fully followed through with what they said they could offer. I would never recommend this place to anyone. There are too many other daycares, and daycare providers out there that are experienced and honest and want a relationship with the parents of the children whom are in there care!

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