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Report abuse on a The Learning Experience Store locations and Hours Post

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Original Post

Thank you so much for your valuable feedback. We look forward to this type of feedback from our centers to make sure that our center is the best it can be. As a parent of three daughters, I can fully understand your concern. I too, am always seeking the best solutions for my children, and choosing the right childcare center is one of the most important decisions a parent needs make.

Teachers should be creative and intelligent, but they also should have education and training. That’s why we have hired staff with education and experiences in the Early Childhood Field, completed background checks and reference checks.

Our teachers plan curriculum that is being implemented daily, with the schedule being followed. Throughout the day, we offer free choice experiences, music and movement, sensory and art, math and science, language, outdoor/gross motor experiences as well as our Learning Experience Academic Program, which consists of sign language, phonics, and the L.E.A.P books. Our teachers are trained to provide positive reinforcement for the children in our care by getting to their level and providing choices, while maintaining the safety of the children and staff.

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