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We just recently had a new Learning Experience center open here in Merrimack NH. We visited the center before it opened for business and found the facility and all we were told to be most promising. So we enrolled our grandchild on the spot. It turned out our grandchild was their first enrolled student and all was great for the first couple of weeks. Now a few months later we're finding that the capabilities of the limited staff are leaving a lot to be desired. Now I’m not saying our grandchild is an angel but nothing you wouldn’t expect a preschool staff to be able to handle, we are getting calls almost every other day at our place of employment to come and pick up our grandchild because they claim they cannot handle the situation. It seems to me that if they had put qualified and experienced personnel on the payroll in the first place these issues might not be happening. So unless you child is perfect and does not require guidance and structure I would not recommend The Learning Experience Merrimack NH.

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