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Report abuse on a Boost Mobile Dealer Store locations and Hours Post

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I went to the new location at Dixieland on Saturday to get prices on their phones. I was given a price and went back today to purchase the phone and the customer service rep gave a price that was $50 higher than what was said on Saturday and she wouldn't match it. Then I came home and called this store (the one on 8th street) asked for pricing and it was $30 lower than the price at Dixieland but still 20 higher than price given on Saturday. Then the rep ended up hanging up on me. Needless to say, if you want your phones from Boost, not only is it cheaper to purchase them online but customer service is better there as well. I would much rather pay the 5.00 overnight charge than deal with the attitudes of the reps in the stores. They need more training in how to represent their company.

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