Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Valero Store locations and Hours Post

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I used to love coming to this Valero because it was close to my house and the workers there were very nice. Well since last year one of the workers there is so rude and she is unprofessional. There has not been one time that I have gone in to buy something or purchase gas that she is forcing customers(Including myself) to donate money when they have told her no repeatedly. There was a time where she told a man "Ohh you can buy lottery ticket but you cannot donate money?" The gentleman got so upset that he just walked out. For those of you who have came across this worker (Which I am sure you have and probably know who I am talking about...she sometimes wears braids dark skinned, heavy set, and has a heavy accent) make sure you count your change. I never write on reviews but she got me so upset today and it was my fault that I did not count my change and I should have known better with the interactions that I have had with this imbecile. Good luck everyone and be AWARE!

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