Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Valero Store locations and Hours Post

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This store gave me the single most horrible experience i have ever had. The Chinese lady who works nights has a severe attitude problem. We were told she is the night manager, district manager, actually she said they were private and had no district, and owner of the store.we were over charged and when asked why and said that amount was not right, and that is not what the sign said the price was. She threatened us, still was overcharging us, and basically threw us out for not being happy about it. I have never seen a store ran this way, never heard of one person being the sole manager, owner, not to mention the district manager, never treated this way, and will never be back. I hope you all get in trouble for the wrong you are doing to the customers at that location. If i was Valero, and you are privately owned, i would make you paint over the Valero logo's immediately. I do not recommend being a customer of this store.

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