Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Valero Store locations and Hours Post

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We travel a lot and I have never experienced such rude customer service - especially from a manager! We spent $130 in fuel for our rig and my 5 year old daughter had to use the restroom. We went in and there was a line almost out the door. They had two bathrooms and only would let the public use one while the other stated it was for women and handicapped but they put a handwritten note over sign saying it was for "Employees Only". Everybody was wondering why they couldn't make an exception and I nicely went to ask the cashier and she replied that no they couldn't...the other restroom was for employees only. Somebody said that it was wrong and said they should ask the manager. Well the manager happened to be in a sweatshirt right in front of us and rudely said,"I am the manager and we only have one restroom!" we asked if she could make an exception because of the long line and again she snapped with how technically she does not even have to provide or let us use the restroom. She even had the nerve to tell us we could leave and go to 76 down the road! It would not have been so bad if she (manager) had not had such a bad attitude! Yes, next time we'll take our business elsewhere!

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