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Report abuse on a A&W Store locations and Hours Post

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A&Ws used to be middle-to-upper-middle level fast food. It's a long way {time} since they served customers at their cars {of course now there's 'drive-thru'. The food used to be pretty good ~ the Root Beer was always good ~ and now... What the heck happened? Portions are as small as can be.Quality doesn't seem as good. It's not cheap. Very little makes me fume like a visit to a place for food and the price is over the top for mediocre {at best}. Waste of money, time & appetite. What's really funny in my estimation, is that the A&W in Carleton Place has the only 24-hour drive-thru in a town of approx. 9 or 10,000 people. I doubt very much that this small population can sustain enough business to make a profit; I don't see how they can; it's dead every time I've been there. I wouldn't recommend this place to anybody. It's another corporate failure in the making. And I used to like their Whistle Dogs sooooo much...

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