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Report abuse on a Krystal Store locations and Hours Post

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I always go there, my daughter works in St. Elmo, I have stopped numerous times, usually a short blonde headed girl works the window or a black gentleman, never a problem, but on the 28th of Dec. I went thru drive-thru and was given a #1, the fries were good, but the four burgers were so cold, the buns were flaking off, the cornpup had been re-cooked or was burnt the first time, the cheese on burgers wasn't even melted, I called the number on ticket over thirty times 6685421, it sounded like a fax machine. I was very disappointed and will make a special trip there to let them know, they had to have known they were hard when they put them in box, or they sat in box for awhile, not the usually steamed bun, very dissatisfied!!

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