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We finished a cruise on Oct.30 and were due to return home from Rome via a flight to New York. Unfortunately the hurricane caused our flight to be cancelled. We were told by our airline that we couldn't return to New York until Saturday Nov 3. We had a business engagement on that date and had to be back sooner. We checked into the Rome Airport Marriott where we had our reservation and were welcomed and referred to the Concierge who was very courteous and helpful. The business center staff was especially helpful as we needed to make other arrangements for flights, hotels etc. Katrina was especially helpful in the Business Center. We ended up having to spend a night in Istanbul at the Courtyard Airport there and, while we arrived late at night, were welcomed with very courteous desk personnel. Despite language barriers and our pressured situation, your staff, especially in Rome, was very calming, truly professional,courteous and very helpful. Just wanted you to know. Great Concierge and Business Center.

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