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we were staying in Courtyard Marriott in Roseville Minnesota. we arrived late on Friday night, 9ish, and Heather Anderson was a pleasant as possible to my tenacious 11 yr. old son and 13 yr old daughter as if we were family. Heather "gets it" as far as family goes and making us feel welcome. The next day, we had a wedding reception to attend that excluded our kids, so we had set up for them to go down to get their dinner, and then go swimming for a while. Heather not only brought their dinner to the room for them, but she also kept an eye on them, and reported once we arrived post reception, that the kids were great and behaved very well. She also treated them to brownies to boot. People like Heather are what makes or breaks our stay, and believe me, She made our stay spectacular. The fire alarm tripped due to a faulty elevator motor, and I was able to check in with her to make sure that all was ok after the fire department took care of everything so we could still attend the family reception.

If there is an award in Marriott for going above and beyond, and making us feel that our kids were cared for without our asking, it should go to Heather. She has the ability to make folks feel like she is family immediately, and that we are cared for by family. Thank you so much Heather.

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