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I'm on my final night of fourteen and up until tonight everything has been wonderful. I first went to the front desk at 5:00pm to inquire if there was a band playing on my floor. The front desk informed me that no it was two floors above me, a "sweet sixteen" birthday party. They then called the manager who offered to move me to another room but also assured me the band was only playing until 7:30 and then it would be a DJ and that he would be able to control it. Well, apparently he's not as good as he thought. It is 9:10 and I can still hear the music. The DJ is as loud as the live band. There is also a group of kids running the halls with no adult in sight. This is suppose to be a "business" hotel, it is no longer. I have an early flight out tomorrow with more travel plans to return to the area. It will not be at this hotel or any other Marriott property. I will also be contacting my corporate travel group and letting them know so that they do not book at Marriott properties either.

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