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Report abuse on a Culvers Store locations and Hours Post

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I was told this food was pretty good and the shakes were even better so my wife and I thought we would try it. The girl that took our order spoke so quietly that I had to have her repeat herself after everything she said, She seemed very uncomfortable dealing with the public. We got our food to go and didn't have to wait long. We got home and were very unimpressed with the food we recieved. The patty on the bacon burger was half the size of the bun and resembled card board with about the same taste the Reuben was no better with very little meat and was dripping with grease. The shakes that were recomended to me filled about 3/4 of the cup and were runny and just no good. For the 20 dollars we spent we could have gotten a lot better food somewhere else. You can try your luck but we will never go there again. The only reason I gave it one star is because you can't leave it with no stars!

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