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Just wanted to let you know about one of your employees who helped me resolve an issue that was going on for 4 days with no calls backs from each of the previous people who promised to help me and call me back the next day. I had to windup calling back myself each time with hours of holding on and never getting my situation resolved. Finally today Kendall Askew in you Tennessee office finally took the time to listen to my problems, research them and call me back with a solution. I only wish that the previous 4 people who promised to resolve the issues and call back the next day had handled this matter in the same way. I spent a total of approx. 12 hours on the telephone in 4 days with promises that were not kept. Kendall had the patience and respect to handle the problem. People always call to complain about service but I must write to tell you that Kendall is truly a great representative for AT&T and I would like it to reflect in his employee file. If you would like to contact me with regard to this whole experience please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Arlene Siegle

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