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We had been with our cable company happily for over 20 years. I can count with 1 (one) finger how many times our cable went out the last 20 years. 6 months ago, we got U-Verse installed because of the promise of faster and reliable service by sales people. We have had at least 5 service interruptions, 3 boxes replaced since getting the service. Total down time of over 30 hours. That is so wrong. They are now trying to fix the issue with another install. We were not told how long this one will take to finish. They found something wrong with the line while doing the fix, they can't put our service back because of a port issue. One guy says someone will be back tomorrow, the customer rep. says indefinitely. In the mean time, we have nothing on!!! The customer service supervisor we tried to get help from was rude, argumentative and confrontational. I got her name and ID # and we will escalate the issue. We were the one who should be upset after being on the phone for an hour with no resolution. I just feel let down tremendously by AT&T. We have young kids and an elderly person at home. I worry that they can't call out for help due to the lack of phone service prior to this current fix. We are filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau along with other state agencies. We will advise our friends via social media of this and will make sure that no one we know will have to experience what we have. We feel that we have been deceived and treated unfairly. We are going back to cable...

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