Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Shoppers Drug Mart Store locations and Hours Post

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I visited this location while on vacation after having my suitcase (and other items) stolen from my car. I was treated like garbage and made to feel so uncomfortable I left without purchasing anything. The sales woman followed me around and would not leave me alone. I was picking up some necessity items to replace what had been stolen and obviously did not need help picking out items I knew I wanted. Every time I turned around there she was. I was also replacing products my daughter uses and when she saw me put a particular cover up into my basket she instantly told me my skin was far too mature for this product and I shouldn't be using it. It was for my teenage daughter! A young woman shopper who overheard snickered and I wanted to disappear. I told her it was for my daughter and put my basket down and promptly left. I didn't know what to say or do, I just felt so horrible and embarrassed. I am not from the area so I wouldn't have returned any time soon however if I did live in Orillia I would not be shopping there again!

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