Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Shoppers Drug Mart Store locations and Hours Post

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I've been through most of the Shopper Drug Marts in the area, and maybe half of the Canada post locations, and this was by far my worst experience with a post office.

When I arrived at the desk, the person was facing frozen. They completely ignored me, until I rang the bell, in which they took their sweet time to finish what they were doing and make their way over.

Once they got behind the desk, not only were they impatient (and might I add curt/rude) with me when cashing me out, but they also lacked the ability to follow through with simple protocol. They never informed me of the shipping arrival date, nor circled the tracking number. They took the parcel from me without asking, and requested I tell them what was inside the box, to which they reworded and decided to write their own interpretation of. I was unable to double check my shipping address for errors (I had written it another language), and when I informed them the parcel contained glass bottles they tossed it to the side without care, and didn't even bother to attach the 'FRAGILE' stickers other post offices would have attached immediately. The second person who attended to me was much nicer, however still fresh (new). I have been shipping items frequently from many locations over the past year, and I know what to expect from Canada Post. I SUGGEST AVOIDING THIS LOCATION, ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE SHIPPING VALUABLES, AND/OR SHIPPING ABROAD. My best experiences come from the Linwell location, just incase someone is shipping for the first time. They're very thorough and polite :).

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