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Original Post

I have been contiplating writing this for a few weeks and decided today tsend my comments in. I have visited the Arbys in Versailles only a few times, even when I lived in Versailles, and each experience was bad. The food was cold and when I complained I was told there was nothing that could bedone about, that was on two occasions. On another occasion the employees were arguing among themselves and being very rude to the customers. One cutomer asked to see a manager and was told by the manager that they argued and was rude alot nd there was nothing that she could do. I was at the counter and some of the employees were talking about one of the other employees. I was so appalled by what I was hearing that I just walked out. I have friends that go there for lunch on occasions because " it's never busy" and they say it it awful the way the employees are. There are a couple of the young men and young ladies that work there that are professional but sadly very few. I'm not trying to case these people to lose their jobs I just think someone should go in and investigate what is going on in this restaurant before your employees cause it to close. Thank you for reading this.

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