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I went in for an oil change this pass Saturday and I noticed that one of the employees was (Jimmy) looking diligently in my glove compartment and having difficulty closing it. He had his manager to come over and try closing it. I witiness the manager ( Erick) slamming the glove compartment close. He slammed it so hard that my car jerked. When Jimmy approached me to pay for my oil change. I mentioned that I notice that he had difficulty closing my glove compartment. He said, "Yeah, that's why I had the manager to close it". I told him that I was going to check my glove compartment before I leave the premises. I got in my car and open the glove compartment, it fell open and there were pieces in the glove compartment. I got out of the car and said to the employee, "you guys broke my glove compartment". The manager came over and looked at it and said, "I'm sorry, madam,it's is busted". I asked him why did they go my glove compartment. He explained to me that they were looking for a filter in the glove compartment and realized that I didn't have one and had a hard time closing the glove compartment. I explained that they needed to replace my glove compartment. Erick, the manager took down my information and said that he will order me a new glove box and install it. I asked him to write it down and he did. I asked him how long will this take and he said that he didn't know, but he will contact me and he wrote down my phone number. I never had a problem with this Jiffy Lube location so I was shocked that this happen. I was also very disappointed that they were going to allow me to leave without letting me know that they busted my glove compartment....not very professional or honest!!!

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