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Report abuse on a Whole Foods Store locations and Hours Post

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I shop at Whole Foods in San Mateo quite frequently. The service is usually good except your sandwich department. It is 'hit and miss', but lately mostly 'miss'. Today I requested via the written form a tuna sandwich on sourdough bread with lettuce tomato & very light mustard. What I got was almost no tuna an old bread I did not recognize a ton of lettuce and no tomato as well as no mustard but of course a ton of mayonnaise. The last time I returned the sandwich and was given a very difficult time and I would up with no sandwich and no credit. This time I just tossed the $10+ sandwich. For the prices Whole Foods charges, they should at least have staff who can read English and prepare a sandwich according to the request of the customer. Therefore if there was anything lower than one star I would give it.

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