Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Whataburger Store locations and Hours Post

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My husband and I went to eat at the Whataburger at 5112 4th the other evening and it was terrible. Part of my order was wrong and it took over 15 minutes for it to be changed. By then my order was cold so I asked for another fresh order. It took so long that I had to go to the counter and remind them I was waiting. While I was waiting for mine to be fixed, another gentleman walked up FOUR times to get his burger fixed. FOUR!! He was getting very angry! The lines were long and the drive thru was busy. It just showed me the staff could not handle the rush. The manager was not helping the situation. She saw no urgency in getting the orders corrected. From now on we will stick to the daytime hours where the manager is always pleasant and helpful.

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