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Not at all impressed with Groupon. I ordered a lamp on July 22nd, payment was taken IMMEDIATELY with an 8-10 week delivery. By end of September, still no lamp, no explanation from Groupon, no return message except an auto-response email saying the matter would be looked into. i had to call back 3 more times for any action to be taken. Finally spoke with a rep who advised that they would contact the company to see when delivery would take place. Never heard back from customer service, had to call back AGAIN several times until I finally got a response that there was nothing that could be done and a refund would be issued. I asked to speak with a supervisor, that I wanted to lodge a formal complaint and was advised that there was NO supervisor and NO WAY to lodge a complaint. I am now waiting for my refund of over $135 which has been in the hands of Groupon since July 22nd. What kind of shady operations are there at Groupon?? Terrible customer service - will I be refunded the interest on my money that's been sitting with groupon since July 22nd???? I seriously doubt it ...yet another scam company...

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