Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Taco Bell Store locations and Hours Post

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I would not recommend this specific Taco Bell to anyone. The food is fair, depending who's working, service is slow, most of the employees seem mute or distracted, and the inside of this place is not that clean. The menu is out of date and unorganized, yet it's apparently the customer's fault when they can't find an item or have a question about it. The only thing that seems to be working for this location is the survey, which makes sure they can receive a low rating. I was told by one employee to take another survey so she "could make more money," which, I'm sorry, I find completely unprofessional. If you want me to put in a good word for you, treat your customers with respect and don't beg. If you need more money, find another job. The annoyances of this place alone are enough to keep me away. Time to find somewhere new to eat.

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