Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Taco Bell Store locations and Hours Post

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I usually do not write too many reviews, but I have just about had it with this Taco Bell location. We go to this one quite often because it is not far from our house. Now, we don't always get bad service, sometimes it awesome, but mostly it's terrible! When we went last night we were going to dine in, we were looking over the menu and as I went to order the girl informed us that they were out of beef, now why she didn't tell us that before we ordered is beyond me! She was very nice about it, but who ever was working in the back was very rude. The girl up front apologized and told us it would be like 10-15 mins for meat, then the person yelled from the back that it would be more like 25 mins, so we decided that we would go somewhere else. We thanked the girl up front and she apologized again, but then the same rude person yelled from the back "bye" in a not so nice manner! It really pissed me off to say the least, like it was our fault they ran out of beef!

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