Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Taco Bell Store locations and Hours Post

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From the start I have had horrible service from this store. I have given them chance and chance again to be adequate...but each time they fail... 4 visits have taken more than 15 minutes each at the drive through. I have seen workers loitering inside in the empty lobby while I wait and there has never been more than 1 car ahead of me at the drive through.

Today the store manager cussed at me and tried to make up for unacceptable behavior by giving me cinnamon twists... which I don't eat! I was astounded when. She said she was the manager with behavior like that. I waited at the drive through and she refused to give me the regional manager's name and number... continued cussing at me and then called the police on me !! This store is a complete nightmare! I have never been treated so poorly. That store manager needs to be fired immediately!

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