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Be aware the extended protection plan at best is a rip off. my refrigerator was purchased in March of 2010 and has broken down three times. Twice within the past three months. The last two times resulted in total food loss. Unfortunately I should have read the EPP policy before purchasing the refrigerator becuse if I had I would of purchased from another provider with a fair protection plan. The refrigerator has to break down three times for the same reason and than a fourth time before consideration is givin to replacing it. Also the food loss is only covered for a total of three hundred dollars for the life of the policy. The second time the fridge broke down was one week before thanksgiving and I could not get it repaired until the day before thanksgiving and because my first food loss was subtracted from the three hundred dollars I am only to receive 52 dollars for food loss this time and I lost over two hundred dollars in food. Home depot has lost a long time customer and I know alot of people who shop home depot but after hearing my horror story they will not shop Home Depot anymore.

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