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Report abuse on a Steak 'n Shake Store locations and Hours Post

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Never again will I go here! At least not late at night when no managers are present. Service was awful, the waitress was cursing loudly right in front of us, the cooks were talking about being in and out of jail, and not only was I disturbed by the behavior of the staff, other guests were as well by the looks on their faces. The waitress didn't even give me a check she just gave me a total for the bill?! I've worked in restaurants for five years and this is a never an appropriate procedure! The shakes my cousin and I ordered were the WORST shakes I've ever had. Not only were they runny and made incorrectly, my "strawberry peanut butter" shake was made with strawberry syrup, (I watched them make it) NOT "fresh" ingredients like Steak 'n Shake advertises and Resses peanut butter cup pieces..NOT peanut butter. My cousins fudge brownie shake had no brownie and was so runny he might as well have ordered a chocolate milk. I left our waitress $3 on a bill less than $15 and I thought that was EXTREMELY GENEROUS considering the experience we had. This was a total waste and I left extremely disappointed.

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