Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Steak 'n Shake Store locations and Hours Post

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We generally go to this steak n shake once a week and order just shakes during the 1/2 price time (2-4 pm), the service has gotten poor, it takes them at least 10 min from the time we place or order of 3-4 shakes to go to get them to us and we go inside to place the order. We can stand there upto 5 min before someone will acknowledge us. At least one of our shakes taste like something else is with it. We let them know about allergies to some fruits and could they please make sure to clean the machine before making the shakes and we we're informed that there will be cross contamination might take place that they can't clean between every one. They also informed us that we wasn't the only ones to ask and they let the other people know the same thing about cross contamination. Sorry but this can seriously hurt someone. And if they are not prepared it can kill them.

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