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Report abuse on a Jiffy Lube Store locations and Hours Post

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So my experience as far as customer service and politeness goes was perfect. Very nice staff, very polite and the presentation that they do at the end was pretty here is where the 'goodness' stops.

I was told information that was completely incorrect and now makes me question their abilities in terms of mechanics.

I was told my car's battery was not checked because it was in the trunk-->FALSE, I drive a Pontiac G6...I've changed the battery last year, its in the front with everything else.....

..then I was told a whole bunch of other mechanical things that now I'm brushing off as completely can you trust someone to know what they are doing when they with confidence tell you something about your car that is completely false?....hmmm.....don't think I'll return, just because now I'd worry if they'll put in the right oil, the right filter...plug the sad, excellent customer service but lost me as a customer due to false information...tsk tsk tsk....number one rule of business, if you don't know something, don't just 'make it up'...your customer may know more than you think.....

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