Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Sonnys BBQ Store locations and Hours Post

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My husband, myself and my 3 teen age boys eat at Sonny's about once a week for either lunch or dinner. Tonight was the WORST food, service and attitudes we have every received. From the service to the leaving point. The restaurant was NOT by any means busy an it took almost 30 minutes to get our BURNT baby back ribs. After asking for the rest of my husbands order when she decided to come back to our table she still brought the wrong things that was asked for. We ordered a full rack we got a half, my husbands drinks were wrong when brought an to top thing's off the cashier laughed an all she could say is what ever to every thing that was said to her as she played with her hair. THE MANAGER DID GO OUT OF HIS WAY TO TRY TO FIX WHAT HE COULD AND HE DID TAKE 8.00 off the bill which was appreciated. But the only way this dinner could have been fixed would have been not to go there.. I'll be contacting the head office in the morning.

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