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Report abuse on a Sonic Store locations and Hours Post

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This place sucked. I was driving by on a Friday night and the place looked packed. This, to me, implied great service and great food. Boy was I wrong. I pulled in and placed my order rather than taking the drive-thru--I had time to spare and wanted to sit and enjoy my meal. I hit the red button and expected to be quickly greeted but instead i had to wait for at least 3 minutes. I placed my order: a burger a shake and some mozzarella sticks, pretty simple if you ask me. It took like 15 minutes for me to receive my meal!!!! I wanted to drive off but since I paid with my card I had to stay. I was so pissed. I realized finally why it took so long. There was one girl running orders, and the lot was packed. When she got to the car she was sweet but the poor thing looked worked. Over worked and frantic!! She hardly had time to take my tip (which i was hesitant to give) before she had to run back inside the place and run out again. I tried calling the store to complain but no answer. And I never got a receipt to go with my order. I will never return. They need help and bad.

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