Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Shakeys Pizza Store locations and Hours Post

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On 12/05/2012, My brother and I decided to go to Shakey's on Cesar Chavez in East Los Angeles for lunch. We requested the Buffet $21.49 tax included. We proceeded to get our lunch and sit down to enjoy our meal. When I bit into the chicken, ugh, was VERY SALTY!!!!! I called over a waitress and asked her to taste a fresh piece of chicken. Instead she stated she would bring it to her higher up (Supervior) The Supervisor came and brought over a 2nd batch of chicken,...I bit into it in front of her and AGAIN,...VERY SALTLY, so she brought it to the Manager attention. The Manager came over and said that he would bring over a fresh plate of Chicken. So he did and STATED SOMETHING ABOUT THE CHANGE IN THE BATCH/FLOUR, he had me to taste again and he asked, "how is the chicken",..with hesitation I answered,..ok,..but actually I was just was so VERY DISAPPOINTED TO TASTE FOR A THIRD TIME, "CHICKEN SMOUTHERED IN SALT" and just wanted to leave that place. When my brother arrived from getting a soda, my brother asked me how's the chicken and I just told him, "take a bit" and he said that it was still the same. At that moment the Manager came back and I told him that it was still very salty and my brother also told him the same thing and he just said,..WITH "ARROGANCY" just be happy that your leaving with Chicken! WHICH ACTUALLY IT WAS NOT FREE AT ALL!!!!! WE PAID $21.49 for a meal that WAS NOT WORTH IT! I WILL NEVER GO BACK TO THAT PLACE AND WILL TELL EVERYONE I KNOW ABOUT HOW UNSATISFIED WE WERE!!!


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