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Deli manager. she is so kind and a passionate lady. she goes above and beyond to for customers .I thank you. for being you. As it was so crazy timing for turkey this season every safe way seemed running out of turkey dishes but for she she made sure every family deserve a turkey. she printed out all safeways near by yr home with a kind tone in her voice please call them before driving. and she said callus in. morning sometimes families cancel. little she knew she was helping some who gone thru so many losses this year and still struggling with my sick child. . all i needed was to have a turkey meal and to be thankful for what i have still. i got the turkey that day but im so thankful to the deli manager for all shevdoes. Great work my turkey meal was yammmmmmmmm. next year i will order amonth before in Elkon store from her.Ll

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