Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Safeway Store locations and Hours Post

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I would like to voice my concern and total outrage over the disgusting treatment and banning from the only supermarket of Kathy Adkins who did nothing wrong except return a product a customer had left in a trolley. To which she was verbally abused, belittled and then when her husband defended her honour, he was himself banned. I have never in my life heard of such appalling behaviour towards a customer. This is a disgusting display of power and places great pressure and distress on a family who need access to food to feed their family, but also due to health issues prevents them from obtaining required medication. Also this places great inconvenience on friends who are more than willing to help but need to do so when they can. Leaving the family in need of food immediately. There is nothing more disturbing than seeing children children going without food ......over their mother being a kind hearted person returning anothers purchase. Be assured that I will not be the last person to write and complain....also take note that not only is social media involved in this plight, but A Current Affairs media are aware of this.

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