Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Safeway Store locations and Hours Post

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a message to the manager of safeway valdez, stop your ban on customers that require to get medication from the pharmacy of your store, from the conversations I have had with the banned customer you are stopping her and her husband and children from entering your store because she was returning a tub of butter that someone else left in the trolley??????? how the hell do you justify that???? it would have been really simple to just have taken it back and said thank you and written the tub of butter up as a left behind purchase but to BAN the person because she returned it???? She requires medication from the pharmacy to keep going through life and doesn't trust anyone else with her credit card and PIN, would YOU? if yes please by all means give ME YOUR credit card number and PIN and I will be sure to spend up big on your paypacket. I know for a fact that THIS Australian will NOT be shopping there ever.

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