Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Rogers Store locations and Hours Post

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Once again I should not be surprised. I dropped my phone off nearly 3 months ago to be sent out for repairs. They contacted me approximately one month after turning it in to tell me that it would cost 140+ dollars. I agreed to the repairs. Nearly two months passed and I had a rogers employee from another location contact them on my behalf they told her the phone is there and they had called me several times. They hadn't . I called customer service to complain and they wanted to call the store but I had to provide the number to them cause they could not find it. They called the store and the manager told them that they don't have my phone and never did have it and it was never given to them. Rogers now has to trace my phone down and it will take another week before a manager will contact me. If they do. Last time I was told that no one did call back. I give them 0 stars. I have lost all faith in this company and as soon as my contract is up I'm out. I recommend avoiding them at all costs as it is not worth the drama.

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