Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Deseret Industries Store locations and Hours Post

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I don t recomment anybody work for this institution. My husband (I m writing under his name) worked there for 3 months and his first check didn t come until he d worked there for 2 months. Even now after he has quit, we re still waiting for his second check. These people are shady and don t like to pay their employees. I mean, I knew that the donations were free, but the labor is too?? Evidently, the answer is yes. When we would ask them where his checks are, they would always say they re coming in the mail. When they would never show up, they would say they are at the office. Needless to say, they would give us the run around to avoid having to actually give out a paycheck or two. What they do there is immoral, unethical, and absolutely illegal.

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