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Report abuse on a Mac Cosmetics Store locations and Hours Post

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Went on a weekday afternoon looking forward to a good experience with MAC ladies behind the counter... whoa... not so much. There were 2 girls and neither of them seemed to even care that I was interested in a purchase.. I love MAC makeup esp their eyeshadow but will never go back to this 1 again!! Rude, not helpful at all. Snobby is the best word. They acted like I was a nuisance & couldn't wait for me to leave... too bad because I was prepared to spend more than I did. I noticed as well that the other cosmetic counters ( particularly Clinique & Benefit ) seemed friendly, they were busy helping customers pick out shades, apply, and overall doing their JOB!!! I plan to call Macy's & report my poor experience.. thats how bad it was. Makeup isn't rocket science, but when I'm spending big $ opposed to NYC products at Walgreens... then yes, I expect excellent customer service. Do yourself a favor.. don't go to the MAC counter in Spokane North Division St.

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