Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Wing Zone Store locations and Hours Post

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Usually wings are pretty good. They are always over priced. I just spent over 50.00 in one week. At around 20-25.00 per visit. I am very specific to order extra well done. I pick my wings up because delivery is too long. I got my wings home and the wings were not well done. Had to discard them and go up the street to another restaurant to feed the family. I called the next day to customer service. I requested a refund AND to replace my order since I had to double my expense for dinner because of them. Took days for anyone to return my call. Even then the franchise owner said he would give me a refund but not replace my order. Basically he said tough luck. I explained to him he wasnt doing me a favor by giving me a refund. He didnt have a choice once I dispute the chargers. I hung up since he didnt want to do the honorable thing. I recalled corporate. Lets so how fast this turns around. I'm also contacting the BBB just from the sheer audacity of this owner. I've been a customer for years. Not anymore.

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