Report Abuse

Report abuse on a REI Store locations and Hours Post

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This store offers very poor customer service. I usually shop at REI in Dublin and they provide excellent service. However, I needed to buy a pair of hiking shoes that only Fremont REI had on stock. I came here and simply asked for the specific shoe I wanted and it took me a while to find associates that can help me. Also, had a little knowladge about the shoes they carry, he kept bringing me wrong shoes to try on even though I provided him with the brand, type and size of the shoe. After wasting my 1.5 hours in that section I decided to go and purchase a sleeping bag for camping but there was no one to help. I aske a couple of associates for help and they said they will be rights back to help but non of them showed up. I wasted my time and left disappointed from the store without the things I needed.

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